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Penis enlargement isn’t a “one size fits all” experience. It’s personal and unique for all men.

Thus, our enhancement solutions are customized – as they should be. Pricing and descriptions of enhancement options are included for reference. Our patient liaisons are glad to discuss any options to help you decide the best procedures for your specific situation.

Our most popular penile enhancement treatments, include:

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Our patient representatives are well-educated on all penis enlargement surgeries, enhancements, and non-surgical options. All calls are confidential and discreet.

Adult Circumcision: $3,900

Circumcision is a surgical technique to remove the foreskin covering the tip of the penis. Circumcision is fairly common for newborn boys in certain parts of the world, including the United States. Circumcision after the newborn period is possible, but it’s a more complex procedure. Typically the circumcision is done 8 days after a male child’s birth because maximal clotting and healing capacity is reached at this time frame.
For those men wanting a penis enlargement, circumcision is an essential first step. Without it, the implanted tissue or filler can migrate into the foreskin, creating an unsightly enlarged covering of the penile head. Additionally, this maligned tissue might no longer function properly to free the glans when engorged – affecting intercourse, pleasure, vascular performance and causing infection.
We provide on-site adult circumcision by one of the leading board-certified urological surgeons in the United States. The circumcision cost is $3,500 and you can usually schedule your penis enlargement procedure about a month after your successful circumcision.

Penile Glans Enlargement: $2,500

Along with our renowned trio of penis enlargement procedures, we also provide penis glans enhancement.

What is “penile glans”? That’s the term doctors use to describe what most people call “the head of a penis”. Its important to think about getting the “head / glans” enlarged as the length and width of your penis is expanded.

Penile Glans Enlargement After Photo


The results can appear disproportional and not as visually appealing – particularly with our permanent penis enlargement surgery – which provides the maximum possible increase in your size.

Also, your glans enhancement adds a measurable increase to your flaccid and erect lengthening – every guy tends to appreciate that outcome in the gym, at the urinal and privately.

To some enlargement practitioners a glans enhancement is challenging to provide an ideal outcome.

Why’s that?

The glans are vascular tissue – just like the main body of your penis. However, there’s less extra tissue available to “fill” that’s not part of your vacuolar function. As board certified urologists, our specialists have more experience dealing with the inner workings and supporting tissue of your penis than average doctors. We can perform an enlargement to your glans at the same time we increase the size of your penis or we can do it some time later: the choice is yours.

Most often, we’ll perform your glans enhancement at the same time we do your enlargement procedure.

A Morganstern Glans enhancement is performed in our office –you’ll be back at work the day after your procedure and can resume full sexual activity in about a week. It’s safe: constructed via an FDA-approved filler – and its definitely a source for added pleasure and fulfillment with both parties.

Clitoral Stimulator Ridge: $3,600

Clitoral Ridge Surgery Male EnhancementsLet’s face it.

The God-given natural design of human sexual intercourse didn’t adequately account for maximum female pleasure during sex – providing only indirect stimulation of the clitoris with intercourse. Men compensated with approaches like “ride em high” – even painful grinding of their pelvic bone.

Morganstern provides a more pleasurable, proprietary and life-lasting solution to nature’s little orgasmic oversight: the Clitoral Stimulator Ridge.

Our fulfilling augmentation creates a customized, life-lasting “ridge” under the skin at the pelvic bone – positioned and suited for direct clitoral stimulation during intercourse offering enhanced pleasure for both parties with no additional effort or distraction.

The Morganstern Clitoral Stimulator Ridge is an in-office procedure where you can return to work the following day and resume full sexual activity in about a week. It’s safe: constructed via an FDA-approved filler – and its definitely a source for added pleasure and fulfillment with both parties.

Repairing a Botched Penis Enlargement: $6,900-$8,900

Unfortunately, not every provider of penile enhancements causes ideal results. Every month we’re helping a new patient stuck with how to “fix” mistakes from a less-skilled practitioner.

What mistakes do we most commonly see?

All these paradigms require a unique approach to create a satisfied patient: there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to such penis repair: its custom by nature.

Sometimes we’ll employ our proprietary technology to first smooth out problematic tissue – then create a renewed, improved enlargement. Other times we can just build off the mess and end up creating a winner. Sadly – on some occasions – we can’t provide a medical solution that will cause the patient to leave better off that they arrived.

Most often, this procedure will cost between $7,000-$9,000 – but costs vary by case and exact circumstances.

Permanent Penis Enlargement Surgery “Add-On”: $7,900

About 20% of men who get a penis enlargement end up deciding to go even largerafterwards.

The exact amount of increase you can achieve from an additional procedure varies with your skin and available tissue but requires a minimum of three months after your primary surgery – ideally at least six months post-procedure.

Add-On surgery can’t provide additional length – that aspect of your enlargement is limited to a solo enhancement before it starts morphing the look and feel or your penis into a less desirable image: but girth can continued t be increased.

Our physician can estimate the results you’ll likely achieve with an add-on during a free consultation.

Length & Width “Add-On” Enlargement: $5,900

About 20% of men who get a penis enlargement end up deciding to go even largerafterwards. Additionally, some guys just want to “touch up” a particular aspect of their enhancement.

The exact amount of increase you can achieve from an additional procedure varies with your skin and available tissue but requires a minimum of three months after your primary surgery – ideally at least six months post-procedure.

Additional size from our non-surgical Length & Width Enlargement technique can’t provide additional length – that aspect of your enlargement is limited to a solo enhancement before it starts morphing the look and feel or your penis into a less desirable image: but girth can continued t be increased.

Additions in this category come in three types: full add-on, touch-up and supplementary.

Shaft / Girth Penile “Add-On” Enlargement: $5,900

About 20% of men who get a penis enlargement end up deciding to go even larger afterwards.

The exact amount of increase you can achieve from an additional procedure varies with your skin and available tissue but requires a minimum of three months after your primary surgery – ideally at least six months post-procedure.

Love Handles / Flanks Liposuction: $3,400

Even guys with a flat stomach are often left to deal with a pair of waist bulges or “love handles” that simply refuse to go away. Liposuction is the number one cosmetic procedure in the United States for good reason – it improves body contour by removing unwanted fat from areas between the skin and muscle.

We offer select body contouring – most often in congruence with our permanent penis enlargement procedure. Ask your surgeon for further details and opportunity to improve your look both down below – and above.