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Common Problems of First Insertions

  • Fluid retention
  • Frequently occurs with the first insertion, and especially when done in hot, humid weather conditions
  • Swelling of the hands & feet
  • Common in hot, humid weather conditions
  • Breast tenderness & nipple sensitivity
  • Uterine spotting or bleeding
  • Mood swings & irritability
  • Pellet extrusion
  • Facial breakout
  • Reduction in testicular size
  • Reduction in sperm

Breast Cancer Studies

There are HUNDREDS of studies, the take home is this:

  • Testosterone delivered by pellet implants DOES NOT increase risk of breast cancer unlike oral, synthetic methyl-testosterone
  • Testosterone implants have shown LESS stimulation of breast tissue
  • Treatment with testosterone and estradiol implants DOES NOT increase the risk of breast cancer, even in breast cancer survivors

Q: How often will I need pellets?
A: For women: usually every 3-4 months. For men: usually every 4-5 months.

Q: Why are pellets better than creams, patches, shots or pills?
A: They are pure hormone that is not metabolized into by products by going through the liver, stomach or skin. This delivery system allows your body to use the right amount of hormone as the blood flow surrounding the pellets pick up what is needed.

Q: Where do the pellets go?
A: Because they are pure hormone without fillers or synthetic ingredients, they completely dissolve.

Q: How long will it take for my body to become leaner utilizing pellets?
A: That depends on your age, activity level and how much you exercise. Testosterone decreases fat and increases muscle and lean body mass. Testosterone also increases your natural growth hormone production, thereby improving your stamina and increasing muscle mass.

Q: Are there any side effects and/or complications?
A: All side effects are temporary and treatable and occur less than 2% of the time, when pelleted correctly.

Q: How long will it take for the pellets to get into my system and work?
A: 24-72 hours. Optimal effect occurs three weeks after insertion.

Q: I have no libido – will this help?
A: Good hormone balance will greatly improve your libido. The addition of testosterone in pellet form can change everything for the better!

Questions Specifically for Women:

Q: I get horrible headaches – will they help me?
A: Yes! We have had great success, especially with women who have menstrual migraines, and new migraines that appear after age 35.

Q:Do I need to take other medication?  
A: If you still have a uterus, you will need to be on natural progesterone as well.

Q: Why do I need estrogen?
A: Estrogen is the most important hormone for a woman. It protects her against heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s. It also keeps us looking young and healthy.

Q: Why do I need testosterone?
A: Testosterone is the third female hormone and is as essential as estrogen and progesterone. We need testosterone to keep our thought process quick and our libido healthy. It improves bone density, muscle mass, strength and prevents some types of depression. It is also the source of energy and solid sleep!

Q: Will I grow unwanted hair from testosterone?
A: There is less chance of excess hair growth with natural testosterone than with synthetic hormones. Facial hair will grow with testosterone pellets, but normally no more than when you were in your thirties. ()

Questions Specifically for Men:

Q: Does testosterone cause prostate cancer? 
A: No. Metabolites of testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone and estrone cause prostate enlargement and contribute to prostate cancer. Estrone increases and testosterone decreases as men age and gain belly fat. Testosterone pellets are the only replacement that reverses that trend.

Q: How do I take testosterone pellets and not convert them to Dihydrotestosterone and estrone?
A: If you still have a uterus, you will need to be on natural progesterone as well.

Q: Why do I need estrogen?
A: Your blood levels of estrone and DHT are checked after treatment to see if they are elevated. Some men still convert to these metabolites even on testosterone pellets. If they are converting, we troubleshoot with natural supplements such as DIM and Saw Palmetto, or an aromatase inhibitor prescription.

Q: What if I have prostate enlargement already?
A: Testosterone pellets will make it better, if you do not convert it to DHT; we will treat that if it happens.

Q: Will my testicles shrink while on testosterone pellets?
A: Yes, they will. Testicles are suppressed by taking any kind of testosterone and will not make as much testosterone while the pellets are working. This is not permanent and the testicle retains its ability to produce testosterone.

The EvexiPEL Method: Hormone Therapy to Help You Feel Your Best

As we get older, our hormone levels naturally start to drop, which can lead to feeling tired, losing interest in things like exercise and intimacy, or even gaining weight. Many people turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to feel better, but older methods aren’t always convenient or effective. That’s where the EvexiPEL Method comes in—it’s a new way to restore hormone balance and feel like yourself again!

EvexiPEL focuses on using hormone pellets to deliver key hormones like estradiol and testosterone. These pellets are tiny and release hormones steadily over time. EvexiPEL Certified providers know how to work with hormones to help you feel your best. In addition to testosterone and estradiol, they may include other hormones like progesterone or thyroid hormones in your plan, based on your unique needs. They create a treatment plan just for you after checking your lifestyle, health history, and any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Many people find EvexiPEL helpful for symptoms like feeling tired, losing interest in things, gaining weight, or mood swings. To find out if it’s right for you, you can talk with a trained EvexiPEL provider.

Testosterone and Estrogen Therapy with EvexiPEL

EvexiPEL’s testosterone and estradiol pellets are specially designed to meet high quality standards. They are created at an FDA-registered lab and even include an ingredient that reduces inflammation, which helps make the therapy more comfortable. The pellets are made with bioidentical hormones, meaning they are almost identical to the hormones your body naturally makes. This helps reduce side effects and increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

What Makes EvexiPEL Different?

EvexiPEL was developed by Dr. Terri DeNeui to provide a better approach than traditional Western medicine. She found that combining high-quality hormone therapy with other wellness methods helped people not only feel better but thrive. Today, EvexiPEL providers across the country are trained to use this method to help patients live a better, healthier life.

With the EvexiPEL Method, hormone pellets (about the size of a grain of rice) are inserted just under your skin. These pellets slowly release hormones over several months, which helps reduce symptoms steadily. The treatment is tailored to each person, and your provider will make sure you’re getting the right dose to feel your best.

Why Choose EvexiPEL?

EvexiPEL’s special pellet formula helps make sure the hormones are delivered consistently and comfortably. In studies, people who used EvexiPEL had fewer issues with pellets coming out of place compared to other types of hormone therapy. With EvexiPEL, you’re also getting a customized treatment plan based on testing and your specific needs, so it’s more targeted than traditional hormone therapies.

Is EvexiPEL Right for You?

EvexiPEL is designed to help balance hormones that may cause symptoms like tiredness, low sex drive, weight gain, and mood changes. If you’re dealing with these symptoms, EvexiPEL’s hormone therapy could be the right choice for you. Talking to a certified EvexiPEL provider is the best way to find out if this treatment fits your needs.